Mr. Mandela

Dear Mr. Mandela,

I’m so deeply upset that you departed the Earth and I’ve never even met you.

Your life inspired so many people, including me, a teenager from the United States.

It just feels so weird knowing that we’re not on the same planet; that we’re in two different realms.

You were amazing, Mr. Mandela.

I don’t know many people who would go through twenty five years of incarceration to ensure the freedom of his people.

My favorite band named Kings of Convenience said in their song, Misread, that the loneliest people were the ones who always spoke the truth.

I know you weren’t alone in your thoughts and people fought for your freedom and what you believe in, but you were alone in the eight by eight jail cell.

What I’m trying to say is that… your passing truly hurts my heart.


Alex M.